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Top lists and collections on the topic of plants and animals, living and inanimate world: the highest and deepest rivers, lakes, mountains on the planet Earth. The most beautiful animals: cats, dogs. Unusual plants.


Top 10 blind animals that do without sight

For a person to remain without sight is a tragedy. But there are living beings who have never had the organs of sight, or have ceased to rely on them ...

15 best guard dog breeds to guard your private home

What kind of guard dog should be ideal for guarding a private house or apartment? Distrustful of strangers very well trained, completely controlled (of course, from the side ...
River Voblya

The funniest names of rivers in Russia

What else is left to do during self-isolation and quarantine for an ordinary Russian, how not to dream of the sun, summer, travel and not visit tourist sites? AND...

The best aquarium fish for beginners

A home aquarium is a cozy corner of relaxation and tranquility. It is known that the contemplation of water relaxes and sets in a favorable mood, and especially the observation of beautiful ...
Exotic pets

10 exotic animals for home keeping

In order to maintain their individuality, people use different methods, one of which is a pet. Agree, no one is a sphinx and little dogs ...
prince rupert drop

10 amazing scientific and natural phenomena captured on video

Our world is a huge scientific laboratory in which strange, delightful and frightening phenomena occur every day. Some of them even manage to be captured on video ...

The most dangerous active volcanoes on Earth

Many predictions of a possible Doomsday include the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano. But even though it is now over-hyped, there are many volcanoes on Earth, ...

The most beautiful lakes in Russia

Russia is a huge country in which man-made beauties coexist with natural beauties. And if you are tired of the gray everyday life or are already wondering where you will spend ...
Clean beach

The cleanest beaches of the Black Sea in Russia (10 photos)

Although the holiday season in Russian latitudes is inexorably coming to an end, nothing prevents you from thinking about the future season. After all, planning is the key to a great vacation. AND...
Caspian lake

10 largest lakes in Russia

If Finland is called "the country of thousands of lakes", then Russia can be called "the country of millions of lakes." Indeed, in our country there are over 2 million lakes, from tiny ...

10 scariest things in the universe

The universe is huge and terrible. Not only because we, figuratively speaking, barely scratched with the tip of our finger the surface of what is outside our blue-green ball ...
the fire

10 interesting facts about fire and fires

Fire has been an integral part of human civilization from the very beginning of our history. On the one hand, it gives us warmth and light. On the other hand, fires ...

10 Russian cities with the dirtiest air 2019

The ancients said: you are what you eat. And modern scientists add: you are what you breathe, what you drink and what kind of land you walk on. In his ...

10 most beautiful seas in the world

The seas are beautiful and mysterious. They charm, attract, make us forget about the problems of today and give us their underwater wonders. A vacation in the most beautiful ...

10 largest lakes in the world

The lakes, with their crystal clear waters, rich ecosystems and tranquil landscapes, are some of the most magnificent natural wonders the world has to offer. In addition...

The biggest bears in the world

Here are the 10 largest bears in the world by size and weight. The largest bear breeds around the world. 10. Sloth Bear Weight - up to 140 ...

The biggest cats in the world

Different breeds of cats differ significantly from each other, and have their own unique features of appearance and personality, which are considered the signatures of the breed. Some of these features ...
Crocodile Gustav

10 most famous cannibals in history

Most predatory animals can kill and eat people if they are very hungry. But animals that purposefully hunt bipedal prey are rare. We present you the top 10 most ...
Winter Russia

Coldest winters in Russia in 100 years

It is generally accepted that winter in Russia takes exactly three months. However, in reality the picture is less favorable, since the climatic, and not the calendar, winter lasts for ...

15 largest animals in the world

Man can consider himself the king of nature. But compared to the world's largest animals, humans are nothing more than little ones. Let's take a look at the giants ...

The biggest tsunamis in the last 10 years

The elements are striving to erase humanity from the face of the Earth. It is this impression that can be drawn from the report of the UN Office for Disaster Reduction. Over the past couple ...

10 scariest and dangerous animals in the world

When they say: “Do not wake the beast in me,” whom do you represent? Tiger, wolf, leopard or other clawed and fanged creature? Perhaps someone else, because in ...

10 funniest animals in the world: photos

Nature is sometimes very cruel, sending hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes and other natural disasters to the world. But sometimes she creates her creations, being in amazing ...

10 most interesting facts about Lake Baikal (Baigal Dalai)

Lake Baikal is called "the pearl of Russia", and this title is fully justified. They talk about him in excellent form: the purest, the oldest, the deepest. It attracts with its interesting riddles ...
Unusual flowers

30 most unusual flowers in the world: photos, names

Have you ever come across flowers that look like something else? For example, a small alien, bird or stone. Well, it's time to meet ...
Whale shark

The largest fish in the world: top 10

When we talk about fish, we usually mean their taste, not size. However, the largest fish in the world are so big ...

The most popular cat breeds in Russia and the world (photo)

We present you the top 10 most popular cat breeds in Russia and the world according to the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA). There are about 600 million domestic cats in the world ...

The most beautiful birds in the world (30 photos, facts)

There are so many beautiful creatures on our planet that it would take forever to list them. In this article you will see the most outstanding photos of the most beautiful ...

The longest eyelashes in the world (photo), real records

Beautiful and long eyelashes are every girl's dream. Unfortunately, the quality of eyelashes is passed on to us by inheritance, so not everyone can boast of such a luxury ...

10 most beautiful snakes in the world (photos)

Beauty is a terrible force. In this context, this expression is more relevant than ever. Snakes inhabit almost all continents of our planet and for many centuries one ...

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